Carpe Diem Semper
At CDS, we have assembled a team of qualified and Certified Medication Technicians who are thoroughly vetted, examined and trained before they are assigned to work in any home.
This vetting process encompasses many aspects, the least of which is a thorough background check. On routine basis, the delegating nurse offers refresher training sessions based on changing medical needs of the individual.
Office: 833-237-5466 Fax: 443-348-7279 
7104 Ambassador Rd. Suite 200   Windsor Mill. MD 21244
Carpe Diem Semper
At CDS, we have assembled a team of qualified and Certified Medication Technicians who are thoroughly vetted, examined and trained before they are assigned to work in any home.
This vetting process encompasses many aspects, the least of which is a thorough background check. On routine basis, the delegating nurse offers refresher training sessions based on changing medical needs of the individual.
Office: 833-237-5466 Fax: 443-348-7279 
7104 Ambassador Rd. Suite 200   Windsor Mill. MD 21244