CDS Core Principles
As one of its core principles, CDS encourages individuals to achieve a positive self-image. However, in
order to accomplish that, CDS believes that one must first understand the concept of what a positive self-
image is and how it is developed. CDS recognizes that self-image is the totality of the unique view or
cognitive perceptions that we hold ourselves.
Essentially, it serves as the result of various characteristics that represent our strengths and needs. Self-
image is important because how we think about ourselves affects how we feel about ourselves and how
we interact with others and the world around us.
therapeutic relationships that reinforce what they think and feel about themselves.
Premised on person-centered planning, the individuals are encouraged by their teams to be the leader of
the supports they receive from CDS. At CDS, individuals have representation on the Board of Directors,
Admission Review and Discharge Committee and the Quality Assurance Standing Committee.
In addition, input from Individuals' advocates, both personal (relatives) and independent (CCS), are
integral sources of constructive input which individuals may use as points of reference when needed.
Essentially, in principle, supports are forged to accommodate individuals' choices and preferences, and
not the other way around.
At the request of individuals, a member or members of the team will be excluded from the team either
temporarily or permanently.
Quarterly surveys of CDS's performance by the individuals and their advocates, is part of the operational
procedures to determine individuals' satisfaction with the supports they are receiving. Any acute, individ-
ual, dissatisfaction is addressed immediately.
However, data from such surveys is used as a performance measure and indicator and incorporated into
annual quality assurance/improvement plans for systemic changes.
We Encourages Individuals To Achieve A Positve Self-Image.
About Us
It determines physical, mental, social, emotional,
and spiritual well-being. Further, this can be
achieved by defining each individual's personal
outcomes with intermediate goals and objectives
that are reasonable and measurable. CDS
acknowledges that a self-image is not a fixed or
static concept. Instead, it is fluid and dynamic in
nature and, therefore, can be changed or
influenced in a positive manner. Being mindful of
this, CDS helps individuals to develop healthy and
7104 Ambassador Rd. Suite 200
Windsor Mill. MD 21244